Traffic Culture Exhibition2023

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Traffic Culture Exhibition 2023 Archives

Photography SectionNew Japan Tourism Photopgrahy

  • The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award<br>“Gaburi Competition” SUEHIRO ShuzoThe Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award
    “Gaburi Competition” SUEHIRO Shuzo
    Comment by SHIMIZU Tetsuro : This 470 year old festival was originally an offering to the god of this shrine after the fulfillment of the prayer for the end of the epidemic. It was the first “designated important intangible cultural heritage of Fukuoka prefecture”. Because the colorful floats are so huge the young carriers splashing in the river look small. The photograph is very powerful as it captures the floats with splashing water all around them. The photographer made good use of the compression effect of the telephoto lens to create this powerful layout. He created tension by eliminating redundant space which livened up the atmosphere of this gorgeous photo.
  • The Minister of the Environment Award<br> “A Night at the Sunflower Field” YAHAGI ToshiroThe Minister of the Environment Award
    “A Night at the Sunflower Field” YAHAGI Toshiro
    Comment by SHIMIZU Tetsuro : Stretching over the landscape of sunflowers, a representative summer flower, lies the Milky Way and myriad of stars. Looking at this breathtakingly beautiful landscape, I was overwhelmed. I believe this successful combination of earth landscape and the starry sky overhead presents a good balance due to the good combined use of digital camera, bright wide-angle lens, high-sensitivity shooting, appropriate exposure time and careful retouch. It looks that the wind turbines for wind power generation look like an important existence connecting the universe with the earth.
  •  The West Japan Railway Company President Award<br> “Shinkansen Aglow with the Setting Sun” NASU HarukaThe West Japan Railway Company President Award
    “Shinkansen Aglow with the Setting Sun” NASU Haruka
    Comment by SHIMIZU Tetsuro : The beautiful form of the 500 series Shinkansen bullet train, reflected by the setting sun on its body, stands out further by the use of super telephoto lens. Under the difficult backlight illuminating conditions of twilight, the photographer selected a perfect degree of exposure as well as composition to take this amazing picture. This work is so cool and exciting that I feel like looking at it forever. It must be the photographer’s love and passion for railways as well as his earnest attitude toward taking pictures that created this wonderful work.
  • The Japan Travel and Tourism Association Chairman Award<br>“Typical Mid-winter at Lake Inawashiro” SUZUKI GenzoThe Japan Travel and Tourism Association Chairman Award
    “Typical Mid-winter at Lake Inawashiro” SUZUKI Genzo
    Comment by SHIMIZU Tetsuro : The natural feature of Lake Inawashiro in winter is “shibuki ice” natural ice sculptures, but sometimes the harsh winter winds and strong waves create ice balls, as you see in this picture. They are rare products; only seen under limited conditions. So, it is worth visiting to see the scene. This picture of ice balls is impressive as it includes in the composition the contrail, snow-covered Mt. Bandaisan, and the clear blue sky, which tells us that the weather was harsh before.
  • First Place<br>“Never Give Up” HASEGAWA YujiFirst PlaceHASEGAWA Yuji
  • First Place<br>“An Enchanted Mikoshi Parade” ISHII RyojiFirst PlaceISHII Ryoji
  • Second Place<br>“Yamatano Orochi” KOJIMA TakumiSecond PlaceKOJIMA Takumi
  • Second Place<br>“Bus Stop” (A set of four pictures) TSUCHIYA EriSecond PlaceTSUCHIYA Eri
  • Second Place<br>“Brave Cats” ITO YukikaSecond PlaceITO Yukika
  • Third Place<br>“A Station during the Spring Rains” EBISAWA YoshioThird PlaceEBISAWA Yoshio
  • Third Place<br>“Celebrating Mt. Fuji Day” SATO MasamiThird PlaceSATO Masami
  • Third Place<br>“A Night with a Full Moon” MIZUNO HidekiThird PlaceMIZUNO Hideki
  • Third Place<br>“Courtship Jumping” TANAKA YujiThird PlaceTANAKA Yuji
  • U-22 Award<br>“JR Suigun Line in Summer” TAKAHASHI IchiroU-22 AwardTAKAHASHI Ichiro
  • Winner<br>“The Sky Aglow with the Setting Sun” ITABASHI NoboruWinnerITABASHI Noboru
  • Winner<br>“Road for Everyday Walking” YONO TeruhikoWinnerYONO Teruhiko
  • Winner<br>“Competition of Drum Floats” SHIOZAKI NobuyoshiWinnerSHIOZAKI Nobuyoshi
  • Winner<br>“Asleep In the Starry Night” HIRANO YujiWinnerHIRANO Yuji
  • Winner<br>“A Spectacle of Dazzling Gorgeousness” MIYAKAWA KazunoriWinnerMIYAKAWA Kazunori
  • Winner<br>“Under a Confetti Storm” HIRANO ToshiyukiWinnerHIRANO Toshiyuki
  • Winner<br>“A Restaurant with a Spectacular View” HACHIYA MasatoWinnerHACHIYA Masato
  • Winner<br>“High, High, very High” ASANO MitsuoWinnerASANO Mitsuo
  • Winner<br>“Cable Car Incline Is Back after the Corona Virus Pandemic”  TAKATSU HirotoWinnerTAKATSU Hiroto
  • Winner<br&gt“Thank You SL Ginga!” TAKAHASHI TsuyoshiWinnerTAKAHASHI Tsuyoshi
  • Winner<br>“Swirling Cherry Blossom Petals” TANIGUCHI KanichiWinnerTANIGUCHI Kanichi
  • Winner<br>“Elongated Lion Performance on a Boat” NAKAGAWA YukiWinnerNAKAGAWA Yuki
  • Winner<br>“Momotaro Street Sunset” ITO NaomiWinnerITO Naomi
  • Winner<br>“Mikoshi Rocking Performance” KUSANOBU YoshimasaWinnerKUSANOBU Yoshimasa
  • Winner<br>“Golden Railway Tracks” SHIGETA KazutoyoWinnerSHIGETA Kazutoyo

Haiku Section

Japan Traffic Culture Association Chairman Award the rails seemed
to stretch endlessly
distant summer
Comment by HASEGAWA Kai : There was a time when railroads were not just a means of transportation, but vehicles that carried people’s dreams. Trains, diesel cars, and electric trains. . . . In every era, the rails led everywhere. Even into the distant future that we have yet to see.
First Place placing peace
on the net rack—
summer journey
Comment by HASEGAWA Kai : An idyllic summer trip. The idea of “peace” on a net rack is interesting. The world today is not like this, but it seems that “peace” is maintained only on the train, on the net-shelf. This haiku expresses the wish that the peace on the shelf will last forever and spread all over the world.
Second Place Mt. Fuji on a clear day—
I missed it
while napping
Third Place my forehead
on the train window
looking for Mt. Fuji in summer
taller than the rainbow
over River Totsugawa
the two houses
on this day when I celebrate
my retirement
cherry blossom trip
INADA Takanori
Winner where adventure
is about to start . . .
summer timetable
with no purpose
on a summer day . . .
local line
a mass of iron
mid-summer freight train
KAN Nobuaki(KAN-chan)
eighteen-year-old me
waves at me—
broad summer fields
BABA Hiromi
the branch line leads
to a military camp
in summer
NIEKAWA Yoshiaki
in the local train
with my post-operation eye
swaying in autumn
to the right and left
of the switchbacks
cherry blossoms
KAWAI Yukiko
the sound
of the crossing gate sees off
the summer train
MASUDA Yoshiko(Koko)
hanging straps
swaying in the coolness—
the Kosei Line
in the vast sky
looking for my hometown
white clouds
Display of higher ranking awards of haiku


List of the artists who participated at SAKURYOKAI 2023

Japanese Painting

  • ISHIODORI Tatsuya
  • UTOO Sei
  • OYA Nori
  • OSHIMOTO Kazutoshi
  • KAWASAKI Asako
  • KAWASAKI Suzuhiko
  • NAKAJIMA Chinami
  • NOJI Mikiko
  • MIYASAKO Masaaki
  • WATANABE Nobuyoshi

Western Painting

  • OTSU Eibin
  • SANO Nui
  • NAKAYAMA Tadahiko
  • NOMIYAMA Gyoji
  • Brian WILLIAMS


  • ISHIGE Keido
  • TAKAKI Seiu

(Titles are omitted. By section, Japanese syllabary order. As of October 2023)

You can appreciate the works of celebrated artists at your leisure

In 2023, we had 12 Japanese-style painters, 8 Western-style painters, and 2 calligraphers participate in the exhibition.
Unfortunately, two long-time exhibitors, Mr. NOMIYAMA Gyoji passed away in June 2023 and Ms. SANO Nui passed away in August 2023. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to both of them for their contributions and cooperation to this exhibition, and we pray for their soulful rest in peace. The paintings of both teachers exhibited at this year’s exhibition were painted before their deaths for this year’s “SAKURYOKAI”.

Promotion of Public Art Special Exhibition

Introducing the public art that the association has worked on and exhibiting the works of invited artists

The 2023 exhibition featured a total of six works, five of which the association planned and cooperated with during the year and one that was relocated, along with highlights and photos of the production process. It also introduced the structure and significance of the “1% for Art” legislation promoted by the association, with comments from experts on the legislation.

Introducing comments from experts on “1% for Art” and and the efforts of the association
New and Relocated Public Art

Public Art Exhibition by invited artists

“Inside-Outside” HONGO Yoshiya

Inside-Outside HONGO Yoshiya
“Inside-Outside” HONGO Yoshiya

Public art work based on the history and image of stained glass

HONGO Yoshiya, the 27th recipient of the International TAKIFUJI Art Award, is a sculptor who works mainly in metal. As an invited artist, he presented an ambitious work based on the history and image of stained glass at the 70th Traffic Culture Exhibition 2023.

HONGO Yoshiya Biography
1982 Born in Saitama Prefecture
2006 The 27th International Takifuji Art Prize
2007 B.F.A in Sculpture, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts
2009 M.F.A. in Sculpture, Tokyo University of the Arts
He currently works as a sculptor and has exhibited his work in solo exhibitions and art festivals, as well as undertaking several commissioned works.

The patterns of the five windows are connected
The minute cracks created by the hammering of the stones are also utilized
When the surroundings become dark, the reflections on the glass stand out


The Traffic Culture Exhibition will be held for the 70th time in 2023.

The Traffic Culture Exhibition, which began in 1954 as the Traffic Culture Exhibition for the Traffic Workers, will be held for the 70th time in 2023. The history was exhibited at the venue.
  • The exhibition entrance (The Central exit of JR Ueno station)
  • The section of Haiku
  • The space for ‘SAKURYOKAI’
  • Promotion of Public Art Special Exhibition space

Event Information

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