Traffic Culture Exhibition2020

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Traffic Culture Exhibition 2020 Archives

Photography SectionNew Japan Tourism Photopgrahy

  • The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award<br>“Thank You for Waiting!” HASEGAWA YujiThe Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award
    “Thank You for Waiting!” HASEGAWA Yuji
    Comment by SHIMIZU Tetsuro : Karatsu Kunchi festival has been recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. The photographer captured a Yoiyama float lit with paper lanterns. Looking at the expression of float draggers, local citizens and tourists, I felt as if their joy and exhilaration were transmitted to me. It is regrettable that the festival was canceled this year to prevent the infection of the novel corona virus pandemic, but as I look at this photograph I feel as if I am hearing the passionate shouting of “Enya, enya!” and energized. This photograph gives us courage and hope.
  • The Minister of the Environment Award<br>“Splendid Jump” SASAKI KokiThe Minister of the Environment Award
    “Splendid Jump” SASAKI Koki
    Comment by SHIMIZU Tetsuro : The Ariake Sea has the largest tidal level difference between low tide and high tide. Mutsugoro in breeding season appears during low tide which lasts for six hours. The photographer shot with a high-speed shutter just the right moment when a Mutsugoro jumped out for courting. It is only during the courting season that we can see such a vigorous jumping of Mutsugoro. This picture wonderfully depicts Mutsugoro’s easy facial expression, the exquisite spreading of the dorsal, tail, and pectoral fins and the turbulent wake in the muddy water.
  • The Central Japan Railway Company President Award<br>“Town for the Coming and Going” ITO MasaruThe Central Japan Railway Company President Award
    “Town for the Coming and Going” ITO Masaru
    Comment by SHIMIZU Tetsuro : What is impressive about this photo is the twin tower buildings standing against the Tanzawa Mountains at sunset. Human eyes cannot see views like this but it is possible for a telescope lens that captures distant objects and brings them closer. I can see how the photographer made excellent use of the compression effect of the telescope lens, bringing many aspects of the foreground and background together. In addition, the photographer chose just the right moment when two Shinkansen trains passed by each other, depicting the photographer’s passion for a perfect balance. A breathtakingly wonderful picture.
  • The Japan Travel and Tourism Association Chairman Award<br>“Good Friends” ITO NaomiThe Japan Travel and Tourism Association Chairman Award
    “Good Friends” ITO Naomi
    Comment by SHIMIZU Tetsuro : Nothing could be better than the big smiles of children jumping hand in hand under that old weeping cherry tree, which is designated as Tottori prefecture’s natural monument. The photograph captures the children’s joy and presents a permanent record for their families to enjoy. This is an unusual time when we are required to keep distance between not only other people but also its families. This picture tells us once again what is important even though we live in such a difficult period. I am moved to think that perhaps this old giant cherry tree has witnessed many local events during its long life.
  • First Place<br>“Spring Light” IGUCHI KoshiFirst PlaceIGUCHI Koshi
  • First Place<br>“Gathering at Remote Station” ITO MasaakiFirst PlaceITO Masaaki
  • Second Place<br>“Wow!” KAWAMURA KazuhikoSecond PlaceKAWAMURA Kazuhiko
  • Second Place<br>“Sound of Spring” SATO ShigeyukiSecond PlaceSATO Shigeyuki
  • Second Place<br>“Train at Dusk” HIROSE YasuyukiSecond PlaceHIROSE Yasuyuki
  • Third Place<br>“A Volley of Shooting” KOGUCHI TsuyoshiThird PlaceKOGUCHI Tsuyoshi
  • Third Place<br>“Put on a Mask, Streetcar As Well” IWAMA HiroshiThird PlaceIWAMA Hiroshi
  • Third Place<br>“Running Through the Wetland” MIYATA YoshiakiThird PlaceMIYATA Yoshiaki
  • Third Place<br>“Evening Scenery of Mt. Asama” SAKAGAMI SonosukeThird PlaceSAKAGAMI Sonosuke
  • U-22 Award<br>“Trip to a Stratum Exposed in the Fault” SAKURAI ToshiakiU-22 AwardSAKURAI Toshiaki
  • Winner<br>“Run Through the Morning Mist” OGINO EtsuoWinnerOGINO Etsuo
  • Winner<br>“Carp-Shaped Streamer in the River” HASE ToshihiroWinnerHASE Toshihiro
  • Winner<br>“Struggle with Snow of Konan Railways” TERADA HirokazuWinnerTERADA Hirokazu
  • Winner<br>“Heading for Tomorrow” NAMIKI TatsuroWinnerNAMIKI Tatsuro
  • Winner<br>“Spring in Full Blossom” SUGIURA MasayukiWinnerSUGIURA Masayuki
  • Winner<br>“Bridge Construction by Two Multi-Wheeled Trailers” MASUDA KojiWinnerMASUDA Koji
  • Winner<br>“Protecting the Main Line” (Set of Four Photographs) FUKUDA NaotoWinnerFUKUDA Naoto
  • Winner<br>“Departure” TAMURA AtsushiWinnerTAMURA Atsushi
  • Winner<br>“Popular Transportation” OHASHI KazuhitoWinnerOHASHI Kazuhito
  • Winner<br>“Locomotive in the Winter’s Wetland Line” TAKAHASHI KazuyukiWinnerTAKAHASHI Kazuyuki
  • Winner<br&gt“Festival in the Mountain Village” SHIRAISHI NobuoWinnerSHIRAISHI Nobuo
  • Winner<br>“Great People” MURATA ShigeruWinnerMURATA Shigeru
  • Winner<br>“Inspection for Safety Operation” KURUMA KeijiWinnerKURUMA Keiji
  • Winner<br>“Fixed Well!” MORITA EiichiWinnerMORITA Eiichi
  • Winner<br>“Bullet Train” TATEISHI KazuyoshiWinnerTATEISHI Kazuyoshi
  • Winner<br>“Mountain Asceticism” IKUTA MamoruWinnerIKUTA Mamoru
  • Winner<br>“Vitality of Northern End, Tonami” KIDOBA TakayukiWinnerKIDOBA Takayuki
  • Winner<br>“World Record Snake” UEKI HajimeWinnerUEKI Hajime
  • Winner<br>“It Was a Good Day to Play in the Mud” MASUDA TetsukoWinnerMASUDA Tetsuko
  • Winner<br>“A Buddhist Pilgrimage” SHIBASAKI ShizuoWinnerSHIBASAKI Shizuo

Haiku Section

Japan Traffic Culture Association Chairman Award [after the last train
is gone
the winter galaxy]
Comment by HASEGAWA Kai : The last train has already gone, and dusk has come to the city. The daytime bustle is gone, and the nightlife too has cooled down. The Milky Way appears white in the winter night sky. At dawn, until the first train starts to move, this quietness lasts. Before the bustling daytime, the quiet night spreads itself. A haiku written by a fourteen-year-old junior high school student.
First Place [like a wobbling record
this summer,
the train]
Comment by HASEGAWA Kai : I assume that this is a large LP record. When I play a record, it sometimes wobbles slightly. The sound of a train—gatan-goton—is similar to this, but here the author suggests that the summer is also rippling. The abruptness is a surprise and joy. The scenery passing outside the windows also plays its rhythm. The comma is used very effectively here.
Second Place [at the window
a ladybug, too,
is on a trip]
Third Place [the summer sky
shaking with the sound
KATAYAMA Jinichiro
[traveling alone
under another country’s sky
summer festival]
MAEDA Shigeaki
[my train lurches to the station
where grandmother waits
this summer]
KOGA Yumiko
Winner [getting off at the station
I trudge along
an autumn beach]
KAJI Masayuki
[map in hand
that summer in my youth
the trip north]
OKADA Kiyoshi
[carp streamers
the train slowly
pulling away]
[left behind
in that town
my summer hat]
[on being asked the way
I too am a traveler
midsummer sky]
NAITO Yasuyuki
[summer train
wearing the wind
from the Pacific Ocean]
[when it stops slowly
in my hometown
a columns of clouds]
[Tokyo Station
starts to pulse
summer morning]
[when I get off
I become a boy
a station in summer]
[this train takes
just five minutes to reach
the early-summer sea]
MASUDA Toshiaki
Display of higher ranking awards of haiku


List of the artists who participated at SAKURYOKAI 2020

Japanese Painting

  • ISHIODORI Tatsuya
  • UTOO Sei
  • OYA Nori
  • OSHIMOTO Kazutoshi
  • KAWASAKI Asako
  • KAWASAKI Suzuhiko
  • NAKAJIMA Chinami
  • NOJI Mikiko
  • FUKUMOTO Tatsuo
  • MIYASAKO Masaaki
  • WATANABE Nobuyoshi

Western Painting

  • OTSU Eibin
  • OKUTANI Hiroshi
  • SANO Nui
  • NAKAYAMA Tadahiko
  • NOMIYAMA Gyoji
  • Brian WILLIAMS


  • AOKI Noe


  • ISHIGE Keido
  • TAKAKI Seiu

(Titles are omitted. By section, Japanese syllabary order. As of October 2020)

You can appreciate the works of celebrated artists at your leisure.

In 2020, 25 leading Japanese artists of painting and calligraphy belong to SAKURYOKAI, a group formed by our association, displayed their works at the venue. 13 artists exhibited their work in Japanese painting, including Mr. KAWASAKI Suzuhiko, 9 artists in Western painting, including Mr. NOMIYAMA Gyoji, and Mr. ISHIGE Keido and Mr. TAKAKI Seiu both in calligraphy, and Ms. AOKI Noe in drawing. We regret to inform you that Mr. FUKUMOTO Tatsuo passed away in February 2021 after the exhibition of 2020. We would like to express our sincere condolences to his family and friends.

Promotion of Public Art Special Exhibition

Recommendations for the drastic reform of the policy of culture and art “Now is the time to realize ‘1% for Art’ in the midst of the Corona disaster”

This section presented our initiatives to create a richer environment by installing artworks in public places such as railways stations and airports. In 2020, a stained glass work “Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossoms” based on the original drawing by manga artist KOUNO Fumiyo, have been installed at Hondori Station on the Hiroshima Rapid Transit Astramline, Hiroshima City, and “Splendors of Sado” at Sado Kisen Niigata Port Bandaijima terminal, Niigata City, a Metal and ceramic relief work based on an original painting and produced by the artist MIYATA Ryohei. These were presented on panels. Also, this year, we presented the production process of public art, as well as a proposal for the drastic reform of the policy of culture and art. This proposal titled “Now is the time to realize ‘1% for Art’ in the midst of the Corona disaster” was handed over to the government officials and politicians in May 2020.

Introducing the public art production process.
Panel of Public Art installed in 2019.

Public Art Exhibition by invited artists

“Agorá of Multi species” OHKOJIMA Maki

「土のアゴラ/ Agorá of Multi species」 OHKOJIMA Maki
“Agorá of Multi species” OHKOJIMA Maki

Ceramic works with various motifs made of clay

OHKOJIMA Maki deepens her reflection on the earth’s environment and on humans, nature, and the universe by using the expressive medium of art. Having started her career with painting, she has expanded the breadth of materials she employs—in proportion, it would seem, to the deepening of her thoughts—to include paper, fabric, wood, soil, and also ceramics. She is a rising young talent who won the 29th International TAKIFUJI Art Award in 2008.

OHKOJIMA Maki Biography
Born in Tokyo in 1987. Entered Joshibi University of Art and Design in 2005, won the 29th International TAKIFUJI Art Award in 2008, and received a master of arts degree from the Joshibi University of Art and Design in 2011. Participated in the Tara marine research expedition in 2017. In addition to presenting the solo exhibition Eye of Whale at the Aquarium de Paris in France, has dedicated a ceiling painting at Minamizawa Hikawa Shrine and produced the drawings of 88 constellations for the Tamarokuto Science Center Planetarium. Her numerous honors include the 2009 Tokyo Wonder Wall Award, the 2011 Ichiro Fukuzawa Prize, the 2014 Terrada Art Award, and the 2014 VOCA Encouragement Prize.

The left wall made of a combination of clay-shaped creature parts and ceramic plates
Animal heads that integrate with plants
Artist’s comment written on the wall


  • The section of Haiku
  • The space for ‘SAKURYOKAI’
  • Promotion of Public Art Special Exhibition space
  • Invited Artist Public Art Exhibition [Agorá of Multi species]

Event Information

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