Traffic Culture Exhibition2018

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Traffic Culture Exhibition 2018 Archives

Photography SectionNew Japan Tourism photography

  • The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award<br>[Large Flowers Blooming over the Snow Fields] OKAMOTO DaishiThe Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award
    [Large Flowers Blooming over the Snow Fields] OKAMOTO Daishi
    Comment by KUMAKIRI Keisuke: Fireworks are usually associated with summer, so the unexpected combination with winter and the attraction of viewing them in the snow are captured in the photo, creating a unique sentiment. As for its composition, its spread of space creates a dynamic image. I think this is a wonderful photograph.
  • The Minister of the Environment Award<br>[Vibrant with Life] KINOSHITA ShigeruThe Minister of the Environment Award
    [Vibrant with Life] KINOSHITA Shigeru
    Comment by KUMAKIRI Keisuke:Photographs of sweetfish are very common, but this picture shows an interesting scene of sweetfish that is well expressed. Nature’s liveliness is seen in the sweetfish swimming upstream, competing against one another, through the splashing stream. Also, by capturing them gathered at the narrowed gorge, the photo successfully shows the narrowness of the ravine. This photograph well deserves its award—it’s a very good picture.
  • The Central Japan Railway Company President Award<br>[A Thousand Torii in Flames] NAKAMURA YoshinoriThe Central Japan Railway Company President Award
    [A Thousand Torii in Flames] NAKAMURA Yoshinori
    Comment by KUMAKIRI Keisuke:The latest model of Shinkansen gives a cosmic and science-fiction-like impression. Matching it with a sunset scene that is very familiar among Japanese people has created an interesting image. The evening light is well captured in the photo, and the remaining clouds in the upper part work effectively. That is what makes this piece unique.
  • The Japan Travel and Tourism Association Chairman Award<br>[Pulling the Festival Float with All Their Strength] SHIMADA JunjiThe Japan Travel and Tourism Association Chairman Award
    [Pulling the Festival Float with All Their Strength] SHIMADA Junji
    Comment by KUMAKIRI Keisuke:Festival photos tend to capture only limited scenes, but this photo, taken with a wide-angle lens and showing a delicately changing evening sky, has created a different image of the festival compared with what we are used to seeing. Both the composition and the angle are excellent, which brings out a movement in the picture that calls forth emotions.
  • First Place<br>[Wings of the Night] YAMADA ToruFirst PlaceYAMADA Toru
  • First Place<br>[Peaceful Countryside] SATO ShigeyukiFirst PlaceSATO Shigeyuki
  • Second Place<br>[See You Tomorrow] NAKANE EijiSecond PlaceNAKANE Eiji
  • Second Place<br>[River Fisherman] (Set of Four Photographs) SHIABASAKI ShizuoSecond PlaceSHIABASAKI Shizuo
  • Second Place<br>[Trial Ringing of the New Year’s Eve Bells] KAWAGUCHI RiichiroSecond PlaceKAWAGUCHI Riichiro
  • Third Place<br>[Night View Beneath My Eyes] HAYASHI TakayoshiThird PlaceHAYASHI Takayoshi
  • Third Place<br>[The War Cry of Ryūda] SAITO OsamuThird Place SAITO Osamu
  • Third Place<br>[Forging a Tradition] MORIGUCHI AkitoshiThird PlaceMORIGUCHI Akitoshi
  • Third Place<br>[The Big Wave] AIZAWA IsamuThird PlaceAIZAWA Isamu
  • U-22 Award<br>[For You] TOSAKA NaokiU-22 AwardTOSAKA Naoki
  • Winner<br>[Through the Shower of Petals] CHIBA NaoeWinnerCHIBA Naoe
  • Winner<br>[The Dam at Dawn] (Set of Three Photographs) MIZUNO KoichiWinnerMIZUNO Koichi
  • Winner<br>[Paradise] TAISHA MasateruWinnerTAISHA Masateru
  • Winner<br>[The Welcome Bonfire] KINOMOTO ToshihisaWinnerKINOMOTO Toshihisa
  • Winner<br>[Spring Has Come!] 
  • Winner<br>[The Milky Way] SHIMAZAKI MitsuoWinnerSHIMAZAKI Mitsuo
  • Winner<br>[Pony’s Last Service] FUKUDA NaotoWinnerFUKUDA Naoto
  • Winner<br>[No Matter Sunny or Snowy, the Enburi] (Set of Four Photographs) KOJIMA MisakoWinnerKOJIMA Misako
  • Winner<br>[The Sky Festival] HARADA KunimitsuWinnerHARADA Kunimitsu
  • Winner<br>[Morning Light] SHIMAMURA TadayukiWinnerSHIMAMURA Tadayuki
  • Winner<br>[January in the North] FUKUDA AkihiroWinnerFUKUDA Akihiro
  • Winner<br>[A Lighthouse on the Reef] YAMADA KosakuWinnerYAMADA Kosaku
  • Winner<br>[“Asuka” Meets the New Year’s Review of Fire Brigades] MOCHIZUKI MasakoWinnerMOCHIZUKI Masako
  • Winner<br>[Greetings] KAWAGUCHI YoshiyaWinner KAWAGUCHI Yoshiya
  • Winner<br>[The Sun Rise] AKAI MasaharuWinnerAKAI Masaharu
  • Winner<br>[The Cheerful Early Summer] ITOGA KazunoriWinnerITOGA Kazunori
  • Winner<br>[A Pilgrim Couple] CHIBA HiroshiWinnerCHIBA Hiroshi
  • Winner<br>[Autumn Colored Afternoon] MASUDA TetsukoWinner MASUDA Tetsuko
  • Winner<br>[The Road to Kibi Where Red Rice Glows] KITAGAWA TakashiWinner KITAGAWA Takashi

Haiku Section

Japan Traffic Culture Association Chairman Award [Kyoto Station
a person with a backpack
summer clouds]
Comment by HASEGAWA Kai:Summer clouds are emerging against the blue sky over Kyoto Station. A person carrying a backpack is now passing through the grand concourse that penetrates the station. This haiku hints at a new encounter in Kyoto.
First Place [from the overhead rack
I take down my memories
summer’s end]
Comment by HASEGAWA Kai:The task of taking one’s luggage down from the overhead rack is expressed as taking down one’s memories. The luggage must be fully packed with the memories of summer.
Second Place [resting its wings
on a human being
a red dragonfly]
Third Place [jumping onto a streetcar
to its heartbeat
Hiroshima Day]
[after a lapse of fifteen years
viewing from the sky
Mt. Fuji in summer]
NARITA Noriko (Hanako)
[here and there
swallows’ nests
a station of love]
Winner [going back to
my second hometown
Bon Festival]
[at New Year
the railroads sing, too
traveling by myself]
IIDA Masahisa
[first day of summer
taking the “Tsubasa” train
my friend has come]
[summer train
viewing the familiar sea
and going back]
[the full moon
so near
at a village station]
[burning sky
I change trains over and over
to reach the sea]
[a day to leave for Tokyo
our parting
under the blazing sky]
SAKAI Toshihiko (SAKAI Sorachi)
[mother and daughter’s
last cherry blossoms
the Kintaikyō Bridge]
[to see the chrysanthemums
in Shuzenji Temple
I stop over]
ARAI Chiyoko
[for gifts
three ekiben boxes
Bon Festival homecoming]
Display of higher ranking awards of haiku


List of the artists who participated at SAKURYOKAI 2018

Japanese Painting

  • ISHIODORI Tatsuya
  • UTOO Sei
  • OYA Nori
  • KAWASAKI Asako
  • KAWASAKI Suzuhiko
  • KAWASAKI Haruhiko
  • KITANO Haruo
  • SUZUKI Chikuhaku
  • NAKAJIMA Chinami
  • FUKUMOTO Tatsuo
  • HORI Fumiko
  • MIYASAKO Masaaki

Western Painting

  • OTSU Eibin
  • OKUTANI Hiroshi
  • KANAYAMA Keiko
  • SANO Nui
  • NAKAYAMA Tadahiko
  • NOMIYAMA Gyoji
  • FUKASAWA Takaya
  • Brian WILLIAMS


  • ISHIGE Keido

(Titles are omitted. By section, Japanese syllabary order. As of October 2018)

You can appreciate the works of celebrated artists at your leisure.

27 of Japan’s leading artists in the worlds of painting and calligraphy exhibited works at the 2018 SAKURYOKAI. 14 of these artists, including the oldest, Mr. SUZUKI Chikuhaku, exhibited their work in Japanese painting, while 12 artists, including Mr. NOMIYAMA Gyoji, exhibited their work in Western painting and Mr. ISHIGE Keido exhibited his work in calligraphy. Unfortunately, we regret to announce the deaths of three of our exhibitors, Mr. MIYAZAKI Susumu (passed away in May 2018), Mr. KITANO Haruo (passed away in July 2018) and Ms. HORI Fumiko (passed away in February 2019). We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of them for their many years of support to the exhibition. Our sincere condolences go out to them.

Promotion of Public Art Special Exhibition

Distribution map of 527 Public Art works. Visitors can operate the tablet screen fitted on the wall to see maps and works.

This section introduces initiatives that propose to create a richer environment by installing artworks in public places such as stations and airports. In 2018, a stained glass artwork entitled “Captain Tsubasa: Spread Your Wings Around the World” based on an original drawing by manga artist TAKAHASHI Yoichi was completed at Urawa Misono Station on the Saitama Stadium Line, suberb of Tokyo, and a stained glass artwork entitled “Oojishi (Large Lion) Cavorting with Butterflies” based on an original drawing by Animation director YONEBAYASHI Hiromasa was completed at Komatsu Airport, Northern Japan. The exhibition also included a map showing the distribution of the 527 works of public art that the Association has been involved in planning and producing over the past 45 years, displayed as dots on a map of Japan. The exhibition also included a call for the legislation of “1% for Art” in Japan and an invitation to share photos of public art on Instagram.

Panel of Public Art installed in 2018
Introducing “1% for Art” legislative recommendations with supporters

Public Art Exhibition by invited artists

[Overhead Colors] UCHIUMI Satoshi

[Overhead Colors] UCHIUMI Satoshi(photo by KATO Ken)
[Overhead Colors] UCHIUMI Satoshi(photo by KATO Ken)

“Overhead Colors”: paintings and stained glass works by Mr. UCHIUMI Satoshi

Mr. UCHIUMI Satoshi is one of the leading figures of the young generation of contemporary abstract painting, and has created many public artworks to decorate public spaces. This time, for the first time, he took up the challenge of using glass materials (stained glass pieces) at the request of the Japan Traffic Culture Association.

Mr. UCHIUMI Satoshi Biography
Born in Ibaraki prefecture, northern Tokyo. In 1977, Mr. UCHIUMI was awarded the 20th International Takifuji Art Award in 1999, and completed his postgraduate studies at Tama Art University in 2002. He has had many solo and group exhibitions, including “moonwalk” (Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, 2003), “KENPOKU ART 2016 Ibaraki-kenboku Art Festival” (Hitachi-Omiya City and Hitachi-Ohta City, 2004), and “Distant Paintings” (YCC Yokohama Creativecity Center, 2005). He has also created a number of public artworks for Toranomon Hills and other public spaces.

Artwork using stained glass (height of 2.7 m)
Artwork using stained glass (height of 2.7 m)
Paintings and Stained Glass(photo by KATO Ken)
Paintings and Stained Glass(photo by KATO Ken)
Colorful shining Stained Glass(photo by KATO Ken)
Colorful shining Stained Glass(photo by KATO Ken)


  • Display of art by public applicants in Haiku
  • The section of 'New Japan Tourism Photography’
  • The section of ‘New Japan Tourism Photography’
  • The space for ‘SAKURYOKAI’
  • The space for ‘SAKURYOKAI’
  • Promotion of Public Art Special Exhibition space
  • Promotion of Public Art Special Exhibition space
  • Promotion of Public Art Special Exhibition space & Haiku section
  • Take a panoramic shot of the [Overhead Colors] corner
  • The exhibition space (The Hirokoji exit side of JR Ueno station)

Event Information

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