The 44th International TAKIFUJI Art Award 2023

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The 44th International TAKIFUJI Art Award 2023

The 44th International TAKIFUJI Art Award Winners(23 art students)

  • Tokyo2020 Paralympic Games Men’s Wheelchair Obstacle RacePrize for Excellence / Grand Prize
    KASAHARA Rikako
    Tokyo University of the Arts
  • SpektrumPrize for Excellence / International Grand Prize
    Jenny (Jiening) CHEN
    Art Center College of Design
  • 人の住むところPrize for Excellence
    IMAI Ryo
    Aichi University of the Arts
  • ちいさなものたちPrize for Excellence
    NAKAI Serika
    Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts
  • 唐犬Prize for Excellence
    NOJO Rei
    Kanazawa College of Art
  • 漆マリンバPrize for Excellence
    YAMANOUCHI Genshun
    Kyoto City University of Arts
  • ciPrize for Excellence
    Kyoto University of the Arts
  • 痕跡Prize for Excellence
    Joshibi University of Art and Design
  • borderPrize for Excellence
    FUJITA Nono
    Tama Art University
  • 地形と傷口Prize for Excellence
    IGUCHI Minao
    Tokyo Zokei University
  • 眩さに触れたPrize for Excellence
    ISHIGURO Hikaru
    Tohoku University of Art and Design
  • 沈黙Prize for Excellence
    NOMURA Hinata
    Nihon University
  • Days like long tracks, like the horizonPrize for Excellence
    SAITO Natsumi
    Hiroshima City University
  • 労働についてPrize for Excellence
    HE Ziyu
    Musashino Art University
  • Untitled_02Prize for Excellence
    KIM Eui-Jin
    Seoul National University
  • Elegant as a Startled Swan GoosePrize for Excellence
    ZHAN ZhaoJu
    Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University
  • NEVER ENDING OR BEGINNINGPrize for Excellence
    Lasalle College of the Arts
  • DKAMI2Prize for Excellence
    École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris
  • Thermochromic HugPrize for Excellence
    Livia RAUCH
    Berlin University of the Arts
  • golden crabSpecial Jury Prize
    NOMURA Shunsuke
    Tokyo University of the Arts
  • Emergency hug wearSpecial Jury Prize
    HEO Sujeong
    Ewha Womans University, College of Arts & Design
  • Can you hear this?Special Jury Prize
    AEREE Sul
    Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design


  • MIYATA Ryohei
    MIYATA Ryohei
    Metal Craft Artist / Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of the Arts / Director General, the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition
  • OTSU Eibin
    OTSU Eibin
    Painter /
    Member of The Japan Art Academy
  • HIBINO Katsuhiko
    HIBINO Katsuhiko
    Artist /
    President,Tokyo University of the Arts
  • YUZAWA Sachiko
    YUZAWA Sachiko
    Professor, Tama Art University
  • Director of the General Affairs Division, Railway Bureau of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
  • Senior Executive Officer, East Japan Railway Company
  • TAKI Hisao, Director General, Japan Traffic Culture Association


  • KASAHARA Rikako Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
  • Jenny (Jiening) CHEN Art Center College of Design, USA
  • IMAI Ryo Aichi University of the Arts, Japan
  • NAKAI Serika Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, Japan
  • NOJO Rei Kanazawa College of Art, Japan
  • YAMANOUCHI Genshun Kyoto City University of Arts, Japan
  • SHIRAHATA Kako Kyoto University of the Arts, JAPAN
  • MATSUOKA Miho Joshibi University of Art and Design, Japan
  • FUJITA Nono Tama Art University, Japan
  • IGUCHI Minao Tokyo Zokei University, Japan
  • NOMURA Hinata Nihon University, Japan
  • SAITO Natsumi Hiroshima City University, Japan
  • HE Ziyu Musashino Art University, Japan
  • KIM Eui-Jin Seoul National University, South Korea
  • ZHAN ZhaoJu Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, China
  • Iman SENGUPTA Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore
  • Elise NGUYEN QUOC École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France
  • リLivia RAUCH Berlin University of the Arts, Germany
  • NOMURA Shunsuke Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
  • HEO Sujeong Ewha Womans University, College of Arts & Design, South Korea
  • AEREE Sul Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Germany


第44期 国際瀧冨士美術一次審査会の様子
Scene from the 44th International TAKIFUJI Art Award screening

Final screening for the 44th International TAKIFUJI Art Award winners was held on September 13th. The results were, 13 Prizes for Excellence and 1 Special Jury Prizes to artists from Japan; and for 6 countries including South Korea, China, Singapore, France, Germany and the USA, there were 6 Prizes for Excellence and 2 Special Jury Prize. In addition, the winners of the Grand Prize (Ms. KASAHARA Rikako, Tokyo University of the Arts) and the International Grand Prize (Ms. Jenny (Jiening) CHEN, Art Center College of Design) were selected from the Prize for Excellence recipients.

Award Ceremony and Reception(November 15th, 2023 in Meiji Kinenkan)

Commemorative photo

The award ceremony was held in Meiji Kinenkan. This year, we have invited award-winning students and supervisors from Japan, as well as some students and supervisors from overseas universities for the first time in four years since 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic. The director general of JPTCA, TAKI Hisao, handed the award certificates and scholarships to each winner on stage. The winners received a big round of applause from their teachers and guests. The juries Mr. MIYATA Ryohei and Mr. HIBINO Katsuhiko, gave words of encouragement to the winners. The social gathering began with a greeting from jurie Ms. YUZAWA Sachiko, and during the chat, the previous day’s visit to the Public Art Studio was shown on the screen. In addition, the award winners spoke about their production concepts and future prospects in front of the videos of their winning works. The ceremony concluded with a speech by Mr. OTSU Eibin, a member of the jury.

Scenes from the Award Ceremony and Reception

  • Grand Prix winners Ms. Kasahara (left) and Ms. Jenny (right)
  • Jury members Mr. MIYATA Ryohei (left) and Mr. HIBINO Katsuhik (right)
  • Jury members Ms. YUZAWA Sachiko (left) and Mr. OTSU Eibin (right)
  • the Grand Prix winner's advisor, Associate Professor YAMASHIRO Chikako, Tokyo University of the Arts (left) and Associate Professor Penny HERSCOVITCH, Art Center College of Design (right)
  • 懇親会は審査員や学生・推薦教員の交流の場にもなりました
  • 懇親会会場には受賞者の作品と工房のワークショップでつくったアートワークが飾られました

Atelier Tour(November 14th, 2023. CREARE Atami-Yugawara Studio)

Commemorative photo
Commemorative photo

On the day before the award ceremony, the participants took a tour of the CREARE Atami-Yugawara Studio (Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture; 80km south west of Tokyo), where they learned about the production process of public art works such as stained glass and ceramic relief panels. In the morning, participants listened to a lecture on public art, and in the afternoon, they observed the production sites of stained glass and ceramic reliefs, and had a chance to meet Alisa NIKOLAEVA, a trainee at the studio who is working hard on her ceramic works. After that, the students moved to the Creare Art Museum, a multi-purpose facility adjacent to the studio, to work on workshops. They combined colorful glass and ceramic pieces on a plate and completed their artwork in an hour. The artwork was displayed at the reception venue the next day.

Scenes from atelier tour

  • 工房の歴史やパブリックアートについてレクチャーを受けます
  • Lunch time was the first time in four years for international exchange.
  • Getting a lecture on stained glass manufacturing at the studio.
  • Received an explanation of the ceramic relief created by numbered pieces
  • Interacting with Alisa Nikolaeva, a trainee at the workshop, who is working hard on a ceramic piece.
  • In the workshop, artwork will be created with ceramic plates and antique glass pieces.

Information and Guidelines

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